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Finance Committee
Meeting Date: 12/08/2020  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Approve Plans and Specifications, Receive Bids, Award Contract with Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc, for the Moorpark Drive Water Improvements Project CIP No. 7430, ("Project")
  1. Approve the Plans and Specifications;
  2. Receive bids;
  3. Deem apparent lowest Bidder, MCC Equipment Rental, Inc., non-responsive;
  4. Award Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Stephen Doreck Equipment Rental, Inc., in the amount of $339,857.10; and
  5. Authorize the City Engineer to issue Change Orders up to a "not to exceed" amount of 10% of the Contract Price.
The Moorpark Drive Water Improvements Project, CIP No.7430 ("Project") is programmed in the FY 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Project is located on Moorpark Drive between Brittany Lane and Larkstone Lane (Attachment A). The work consists of replacing approximately 1,250 linear feet of existing water main and associated water services.

On October 14, 2020, the Final Plans and Specifications ("Bid Documents") were accepted by staff, and the Project was advertised for bids on the website and subsequently published in the Star Progress paper on November 4, 2020, 14 days prior to bid opening. A hard copy of the Bid Documents are available at the City Clerk's Office for review. There was one addendum to the Plans, which specified that the polymer water meter boxes and meters are to be supplied by the City. Therefore, staff recommends City Council approve the Plans and Specifications with Addendum No. 1 as bid.

On November 19, 2020, staff received a total of 12 bid proposals. Soon thereafter, staff tabulated the bid proposals and the apparent lowest bid was $266,221.88 from MCC Equipment Rentals, Inc ("MCC"). Upon review of the proposals, staff determined MCC non-responsive due to a missing statement in the proposal of not listing when and who inspected the project site, which all bidders have listed. Therefore, staff recommends City Council deem the apparent lowest bidder non-responsive. Additionally, MCC submitted a withdrawal letter declaring that a mistake was made in filling out their bid and that their bid would be materially different than intended to be, resulting in a significant error.

Subsequently, staff determined that the second lowest bid in the amount of $339,857.10 from Stephen Doreck Equipment Rental, Inc. ("Stephen Doreck") from the City of Pico Rivera, is the lowest responsive and responsible bid (see Attachment B). 

Table 1 provides the results of 12 bids received.

Table 1 - Total Bid Summary

Bidder Number Bidder Amount Bid
1 (non-responsive)  MCC Equipment Rentals, Inc.  $ 266,211.88
2 (lowest responsive and responsible bid)  Stephen Doreck Equipment Rental, Inc.  $ 339,857.10 
3  TE Roberts, Inc.   $ 347,334.78
4  Gentry Brothers, Inc.   $ 353,943.50
5  Big Ben Inc.  $ 385,211.00
6  Cedro Construction Inc.  $ 385,355.92
7  Griffith Company   $ 387,616.00
8  Excel Paving Co.   $ 399,110.34
9  CHI Construction   $ 418,122.00
10  Kana Pipeline Inc.   $ 419,507.92
11   Christensen Brothers   $ 442,206.00
12  Los Angeles Engineering  $ 640,700.00
  Engineer’s  Estimate  $ 372,607.00

As depicted within Table 1, the lowest and second lowest responsive and responsible bids were very competitive with the lowest responsive and responsible bid price from Stephen Doreck, coming in about 10% less than the Engineer's Estimate (EE).

Stephen Doreck has been in the construction business for 13 years and has completed construction of similar water improvement projects for the cities of El Segundo, Whittier and Covina. Their California Contractor's license (665471-A) and Department of Industiral Relations registration number (1000011335) have been verified by staff and their bid package has met the City requirements. Staff contacted the cities of El Sequndo, Whittier and Covina, and have provided favorable reviews about Stephen Doreck. Additionally, Stephen Doreck is currently working on the Puente Street Water Improvement Project for Brea, with an overall good performance. Based on the aforementioned bid review, staff has determined Stephen Doreck to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council consider awarding a Construction Contract to Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc., in the amount of $339,857.10 (Attachment C).
The Project budget is programmed in the FY 2020-21 CIP with a total projected budget of $490,000 of Water Funds.  There is no impact to the General Fund. 

The Project will replace approximately 1,250 linear feet of water main and associated water services on Moorpark Drive, between Brittany Lane and Larkstone Lane. If City Council approves staff recommendations, the Project is anticipated to start construction in February of 2021 and be completed by April of 2021.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:   Michael Ho, P.E., Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Concurrence:  Tony Olmos, P.E., Director of Public Works
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C - Construction Agreement

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