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City Council Special Meeting
Friday, December 16, 2022
2:30 p.m. - General Session

Marty Simonoff, Mayor      Christine Marick, Mayor Pro Tem
Cecilia Hupp, Council Member Blair Stewart, Council Member Steven Vargas, Council Member

This agenda contains a brief general description of each item Council will consider. The City Clerk has on file copies of written documentation relating to each item of business on this Agenda available for public inspection. Contact the City Clerk’s Office at (714) 990-7756 or view the Agenda and related materials on the City’s website at Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office at 1 Civic Center Circle, Brea, CA during normal business hours. Such documents may also be available on the City’s website subject to staff’s ability to post documents before the meeting.

Procedures for Addressing the Council

The Council encourages interested people to address this legislative body by making a brief presentation on a public hearing item when the Mayor calls the item or address other items under Matters from the Audience. 

State Law prohibits the City Council from responding to or acting upon matters not listed on this agenda. The Council encourages free expression of all points of view. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. Council rules prohibit clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. PLEASE SILENCE ALL DEVICES. There will be no Zoom/Teleconference for the Study Session meeting.  Zoom/Teleconference will be available during General Session only, members of the public must contact City Staff at (714) 990-7756 or email no later than 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  All written comments received by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting,
will be summarized aloud into the record at the meeting. Upon request, Zoom participants will be provided with a Zoom meeting ID and password and will remain muted during the meeting until recognized at the appropriate time by the Council. The meeting will also be broadcast live at

Special Accommodations
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (714) 990-7757. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable City staff to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. (28 CFR ADA Title II)

Important Notice
The City of Brea shows both live broadcasts and replays of City Council Meetings on Brea Cable Channel 3 and over the Internet at Your attendance at this public meeting may result in the recording and broadcast of your image and/or voice as previously described.
2:30 p.m. - Council Chamber
Plaza Level

1.   Pledge of Allegiance
2.   Presentation: Brea Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project DEIR Review
3.   Matters from the Audience
4.   Response to Public Inquiries - Mayor / City Manager
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM - This agenda category is for City Council consideration of a wide variety of topics related to the City's operations. Public comments regarding items in this section should be presented during "Matters from the Audience."
5.   Commission/Committee Member Recruitment Timeline and Designation of Two (2) Council Members to Serve on the Interview Panel - 1) Approve the recruitment timeline and designate two (2) Council Members to serve on the Interview Panel for the Arts in Public Places Committee; Cultural Arts Commission; Parks, Recreation and Human Services Commission; Planning Commission; Investment Advisory Committee; and Traffic Committee and 2) Approve new term dates for two (2) Art in Public Places members and three (3) Traffic Committee members.
CONSENT CALENDAR - The City Council/Successor Agency approves all Consent Calendar matters with one motion unless Council/Agency or Staff requests further discussion of a particular item. Items of concern regarding Consent Calendar matters should be presented during “Matters from the Audience."

6.   December 6, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Approve.
7.   AB 361 Findings for Special Brown Act Requirements for Teleconference Meetings - Make the following findings: (1) the City Council has reconsidered the circumstances of the COVID-19 state of emergency; and (2) the COVID-19 state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members of the City’s legislative bodies (including commissions and committees) to meet safely in person. There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.
8.   Authorize Mayor to Execute Electric Vehicle Charging Station License Agreement with Carbon Solutions Group LLC - Execute License Agreement. CSG will be responsible for reimbursing the City for electricity consumed quarterly at a rate equivalent to the City's commodity cost of electricity. CSG will also pay the City the variable revenue share annually based on the chargers' utilization. Approval of this agreement will result in cost savings to the General Fund for electricity costs.
9.   Professional Services Agreement with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for The Tracks at Brea Western Extension (Brea Canyon Flood Control Channel to Berry Street) Community Outreach and Concept Design - Approve the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. in the amount of $179,681, plus 10% contingency, for The Tracks at Brea Western Extension (Brea Canyon Flood Control Channel to Berry Street) Community Outreach and Concept Design. The City was successful in securing grant funds from San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) for The Tracks at Brea Western Extension Project. There is no fiscal imapct to the General Fund. 
10.   Acceptance of the Skate Park Upgrades, CIP Project No. 7914 - Accept project as complete and authorize the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion; and authorize the City Clerk to release the Payment and Performance Bonds. The final Contract amount is $1,338,935.32, which is under the approved construction budget.  The source of funds is from the Park Development Fund (Fund 250) and General Fund (Fund 110). 
11.   Janitorial Services at City Park Restrooms - Approve contract extension with K-Pro Stone Care in the amount not to exceed $99,000 for Janitorial Services at City Park Restrooms and as-needed trash removal and authorize the City Manager to execute; and Appropriate $99,000 to amend the City's General Fund (110) Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Janitorial Services at Park Restrooms; and Approve Resolution No. 2022-082 amending the Position Allocation List to add two part-time Maintenance Services Worker I/II positions in the Parks Division.
12.   Adoption of Revised 2022 Construction Codes Findings - Adopt Resolution No. 2022-083, setting forth required findings for amendments to Codes comprising the 2022 California Building Standards Code (Title 24), adopted in City of Brea Ordinance No. 1232, based on local climatic, topographical and/or geological conditions.There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.
13.   Adoption of Revised 2022 Fire Code Findings - Adopt Resolution No. 2022-084, setting forth required findings for amendments to the 2022 California Fire Code, adopted in City of Brea Ordinance No. 1233, based on local climatic, topographical and/or geological conditions. There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund.
14.   City Manager
15.   City Attorney
16.   Council Requests

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