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Agenda Item
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Bill Gallardo
Professional Services Agreement with Westberg White Architecture for Brea Senior Center Feasibility Study
Approve the Professional Services Agreement in an amount not-to-exceed $75,000.
The City of Brea applies annually to the County of Orange for Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding in order to allocate Public Facilities & Improvements (PF&I) dollars to certain eligible City facilities. For the Fiscal Year 2022-23 funding cycle, the City Council approved a CDBG application for $75,000 requesting funding for a Senior Center Feasibility Study. This will assess the facility's needed improvements or upgrades for the next several years, as well as explore opportunities to expand current programs and services within the existing campus footprint. With the anticipated growth in Brea's senior population, as well as the changing needs and desires of this demographic over time, staff's intent is to explore strategic opportunities to prepare for the future.
In November 2022, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for professional consulting services to lead the Feasibility Study. In December 2022, staff received three proposals outlined below:
Consulting Firm
Gibbous Consulting (Boston, MA)
IDS Group (Irvine, CA)
Westberg White Architecture (Tustin, CA)
The evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP included:
Qualifications of the Firm
Proposed Team and Organization
Detailed Work Plan
Fee Proposal
After holding interviews with the two lowest bidders, it was determined that the experience and proposed work plan demonstrated by Westberg White Architecture would best suit the needs of this project. Staff is recommending a Professional Services Agreement with Westberg White Architecture in the amount of $72,000, with a contingency of $3,000 for a total, not-to-exceed amount of $75,000. Staff anticipates the study kicking off in mid-March with final conclusions presented back to the City Council in early fall of 2023.
At their February 28, 2023, meeting the Finance Committee approved this item to proceed to the March 7, 2023 City Council consent calendar.
The CDBG funding received for this year is $75,000. The proposed lump-sum fee proposed by Westberg White Architecture falls under this amount, and staff is also requesting the additional $3,000 be used as potential contingency should any additional expenses arise. There is no General Fund impact, and there is no match requirement for the grant.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Jenn Colacion, Senior Management Analyst
Concurrence: Chris Emeterio, Assistant City Manager and Carrie Hernandez, Deputy Director of Community Services
Professional Services Agreement
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