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Agenda Item
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Bill Gallardo
Adopt Water Shortage Contingency Response Ordinance No. 1221 – Adopt Level 1 Water Shortage Condition Resolution No. 2021-039.
1. Adopt Ordinance No. 1221
2. Adopt Resolution
At May 18, 2021, City Council heard the first reading of the Water Shortage Contingency Response Ordinance No. 1221 and waived the requirement for the second reading of the ordinance. At this meeting, City Council also approved the revision to Municipal Code 13.20. These actions were done as a result of the 2018 Legislature that amended the Urban Water Management Planning Act (Water Code Section 10610 et seq), which created new water shortage planning requirements and reduced water supply dependencies on the Delta. The proposed ordinance is needed to establish the framework for efficient water use and conservation, which established the legal authorizations and definitions for compliance with the 2018 State action.
City staff is recommending that City Council adopt Ordinance 1221 so the City would be able to be consistent with all future emergency declarations from the State. The new ordinance includes new definitions and terminology that the State has created to promote conservation as a way of life. In addition to adoption of Ordinance 1221, staff is recommending approval of Resolution No. 2021-039, which would declare the existence of a Level 1 Water Shortage Condition to promote conservation. This action would be consistent with "Phase 1" from our old code, which requires water consumers to reduce their water use by 10%.
By activating a Level 1 Water Shortage Condition, water customers would be required to reduce their outdoor irrigation watering days from 7 days a week to 4 days a week during the summer (May to September) and 2 days a week during the winter (October to April).
Staff will use a variety of communication tools to educate water customers about the changes, such as the ones listed below:
Social Media Outreach
Water Bill
City of Brea Website
Participate in Outreach Events
Water Waste Patrols
Door Hangers
The fiscal impact is dependent on the drought level as declared by the State and ratified by City Council. All monitoring and enforcement is to be performed by in-house staff in conformance with the most recently adopted Water Shortage Contingency Plan and fully funded by the Water Fund (Fund 420). There is no impact to the General Fund.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Brian Ingallinera, Environmental Services Coordinator
Concurrence: Rudy Correa, Water Distribution Superintendent and Tony Olmos, P.E. Public Works Director
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