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  Agenda Item   16.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/01/2021  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Water Shortage Contingency Plan - Adopt Resolution 2021-038.
1.  Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input; and
2.  Adopt Resolution 2021-038
The Water Shortage Contingency Plan is a strategic planning document designed to prepare for and respond to water shortages. This Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) complies with California Water Code (Water Code) Section 10632, which requires that every urban water supplier shall prepare and adopt a WSCP as part of its Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). This level of detailed planning and preparation is intended to help maintain reliable supplies and reduce the impacts of supply interruptions. 

The WSCP also describes the City’s procedures for conducting an Annual Water Supply and Demand Assessment that is required by Water Code Section 10632.1 and is to be submitted to the California Department of Water Resources on or before July 1 of each year, or within 14 days of receiving final allocations from the State Water Project, whichever is later. The City’s 2020 WSCP is included as an appendix to the 2020 UWMP, which will be submitted to DWR by July 1, 2021. However, this WSCP is created separately from the City’s 2020 UWMP and can be amended, as needed, without amending the UWMP.

The WSCP provides the steps and water shortage response actions to be taken in times of water shortage conditions. The WSCP has prescriptive elements, such as an analysis of water supply reliability; water shortage response actions for each of the six standard water shortage levels that correspond to water shortage percentages ranging from 10% to greater than 50%; an estimate of potential to close supply gap for each measure; protocols and procedures to communicate identified actions for any current or predicted water shortage conditions; procedures for an Annual Assessment; monitoring and reporting requirements to determine customer compliance; and reevaluation and improvement procedures for evaluating the WSCP.

All the contents and procedures contained in the WSCP as consistent with the State guidance and staff recommends to adopt Resolution 2021-038.

Staff will use a variety of communication tools to educate water customers about the changes using items such as:
  • Social Media Outreach
  • Water Bill
  • City of Brea Website
  • Participate in Outreach Events
  • Water Waste Patrols
  • Door Hangers
The fiscal impact is dependent on the drought level as declared by the State and ratified by City Council.  All monitoring and enforcement are to be performed by in-house staff in conformance with the most recently adopted Water Shortage Contingency Plan and fully funded by the Water Fund (Fund 420).  There is no impact to the General Fund.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:  Brian M. Ingallinera, Environmental Services Coordinator
Concurrence: Rudy Correa, Water Distribution Superintendent and Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director
UWMP & WSCP Presentation
Water Shortage Contingency Plan

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