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City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Bill Gallardo
2020 Urban Water Management Plan - Adopt Resolutions 2021-036 and 2021-037.
Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input;
Adopt Resolution 2021-036; and
Adopt Resolution 2021-037
The California State Legislature passed the Urban Water Management Act of 1983 which mandated that all urban water suppliers with more than 3,000 customers or supplying more than 3,000 acre feet of water annually must prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) every five years. The purpose of the 2020 UWMP is to update existing and planned water supplies, maintain efficient use of urban water supplies, continue to promote water conservation, ensure that sufficient water supplies are available, and provide a mechanism for response during drought conditions. The 2020 UWMP is the eighth UWMP that has been prepared since the 1983 act was passed. The 2020 UWMP follows the guidelines that were set forth by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and also incorporates portions of the Municipal Water District of Orange County and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 2020 UWMPs. The City contracted with Arcadis in August 2020 to assist the City in the preparation of its 2020 UWMP.
The City’s 2020 UWMP contains historical water usage information dating back to 2010, and projects water usage out to the year 2045. It also provides a percent breakdown by customer type that includes residential, industrial and commercial customers throughout the City. The 2020 UWMP covers the present efforts of the Public Works Department to conserve water with items such as public outreach, rate structuring to encourage conservation and home retrofitting of plumbing fixtures. The 2020 UWMP is designed to serve as a flexible, long term planning document that will be periodically updated at least once every five years to help the City in its efforts as well as support state-wide efforts in a well-organized approach to water use management.
The Public Hearing to receive public input on the 2020 UWMP will be held on June 1, 2021. If adopted, the UWMP will be submitted to DWR no later than July 1, 2021. Without an approved UWMP, the City would not be eligible to receive grant or loan funding through DWR, the State Water Resources Control Board, or Delta Stewardship Council.
Resolution 2021-036 is a resolution to formally adopt the 2020 UWMP for compliance with California’s Urban Water Management Planning Act. The State-required, long-term plan details the City of Brea’s water demand forecast as well as local and imported water supplies.
Resolution 2021-037 is a resolution to adopt an addendum to the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan for compliance with the Delta Plan’s Policy WR P1. This policy, with reporting requirements retroactive to the 2015 UWMP, was created to increase Regional Water Self-Reliance and decrease the dependence on imported water from the Delta. This action is separate from the adoption of the 2020 UWMP per California Water Code requirements.
There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund associated with this action.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Brian M Ingallinera, Environmental Services Coordinator
Concurrence: Rudy Correa, Water Distribution Superintendent and Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director
UWMP & WSCP Presentation
UWMP Resolution
Urban Water Management Plan
2015 Addendum
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