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  Agenda Item   20.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/01/2021  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Stantec in the Additional Amount of $14,300
  1. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Professional Service Agreement (PSA) for additional design services for the Brea Skate Park, Project 7914; and
  2. Authorize the Director of Public Works to authorize change orders in the not-to-exceed amount of 10%.
In December 2015, the Public Works Department (PW) hired Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to hold community outreach meetings with skaters from the Brea Skate Park and develop construction documents directly related to the input received for repairs and enhancements. The original Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for plan development and construction administration was for $42,639 and included an evaluation of the entire area for potential phased repairs, which included a review of the deteriorated sound wall to the west of the park and the bare/eroded slope to the east. In addition to the outreach meetings, the Parks Recreation and Human Services (PRHS) sub-committee and an internal working group consisting of representatives from Public Works, Community Services, Communications and Marketing and the Police Department collaborated on current operational challenges and to how best to mesh those issues with skater feedback.

Construction plans are currently at an estimated 95% level. The first Amendment allowed for additional design services at the north end of the skate park and an acoustical study. Extensive redesign to the skate park's south end is affecting design elements requiring additional structural and geotechnical work. The specific design elements are increasing the depth of the pool and lengthening of the pool to provide the skating elements the skaters provided feedback on. Additional electrical design is also needed which was not in the original scope of work. Staff recommends amending the existing PSA with the Consultant for the aforementioned work.

The amount of the amendment for City Council consideration is $14,300 (proposal attached). This amount is in addition to the approximately $13,710 that is available on the purchase order to finalize the plans and specifications.
This item was reviewed at the Finance Committee's meeting on May 25, 2021 and recommended for City Council approval.
Finalizing the 95% construction plans for the upgrades to the skate park require additional structural and electrical design.  Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 2 to the existing PSA to address the two areas. The approval of Amendment No. 2 will add $14,300 to the original agreement plus Amendment No. 1, which totaled $51,589, for an updated total of $65,889. Funds are available in the CIP Project #7914.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:   Bill Bowlus, Public Works Superintendent
Concurrence:  Tony Olmos, P.E., Director of Public Works
Amendment No. 2
Stantec Proposal

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