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  Agenda Item   19.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/15/2021  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Capital Improvement Program Budget For Fiscal Year 2021-2022
  1. Conduct Public Hearing; and
  2. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-041 for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.
City Council reviewed the proposed Seven-Year CIP at a budget workshop held on May 18th, 2021.  At the meeting, staff provided an overview of the CIP and discussed various funding sources available for the proposed FY 2021-22 projects.  As a final step in the process, this item is now being presented to City Council for approval.  Before approval of the CIP could be considered, a public hearing is required to allow the community an opportunity to provide input on the proposed Seven-Year CIP.  After the public hearing, the City Council may consider approval of the attached CIP resolution.  The CIP resolution formally approves the Seven-Year CIP and appropriates funding for the first year of the Seven-Year CIP. 

The Seven-Year CIP is divided into six categories: Street Improvements, Traffic Safety Enhancements, Water Improvements, Golf Course Improvements, Sewer Improvements and Facility Improvements. There are 32 projects/programs in the proposed FY 2021-22 funded portion of the CIP.  A detail sheet has been prepared for each proposed project containing a description of the project, the amount of funding required, and the source of funds. The following are highlights of the FY 2021-22 CIP:

Street Improvements
This CIP category continues the emphasis on street pavement rehabilitation in accordance with the City’s Pavement Management Plan (PMP).  The PMP is updated every two (2) years for arterial roads and every six (6) years for local roads as required by the Orange County Transportation Authority.  Work continues on the design or construction of several large street/roadway improvement projects that are being carried forward from the current fiscal year.  Some examples of this are SR-57 / Lambert Interchange (CIP 7251) and Country Hills Subdivision Pavement Rehabilitation (CIP 7322).  The long-delayed right-turn lane at Imperial Highway and Berry Street is now substantially complete and open for use.

Requested appropriations for FY 2021-22 include funding for our annual Citywide Slurry Seal Program (CIP 7312) and Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Program (CIP 7313) as well as construction funding for Walnut Way Street Improvements (CIP 7326), and Central Avenue and State College Street Improvements (CIP 7327).  

Traffic Safety
Work continues on the implementation of several sign replacement projects, signal synchronization projects and monitoring of signal synchronization projects that are being carried forward from FY 2020-21. Cliffwood Neighborhood Traffic Calming Improvements (CIP 7717) is a new project created to improve traffic signals at State College and Cliffwood, State College at Balsa, and Cliffwood at Lambert.  Another new project is Lambert Road Signal Synchronization (CIP 7716), which will upgrade traffic signal control equipment along the Lambert Road / Carbon Canyon corridor in La Habra and Brea.  In conjunction with Street Improvement projects, Traffic Safety Enhancements improve the driving experience in Brea by easing congestion and improving traffic flow.
Water Projects
A major focus of the CIP is the proposed improvements to Water infrastructure.  From the total of approximately $8.2 million in proposed FY 2021-22 funding, water improvements will account for about 47% of CIP funding.  While these efforts cannot eliminate all complications caused by unplanned water line breaks, the strategic use of water funds for planned capital improvements reduces the number of more costly urgent projects that result from breaks in our water asset components.

Work continues on the design or construction of several large water improvement projects that are being carried forward from FY 2020-21, such as Walnut–Orange–Juniper Water Main Replacement (CIP 7454), North Hills (West & East) and Northwood Water Main Replacements (CIPs 7431, 7459 & 7460) and Booster Pump Station Improvements (CIP 7470, 7471 & 7475).  Requested appropriations for FY 2021-22 primarily provide additional funding for the Construction Phase of continuing (carryover) projects.  The one new project in this category is N. Associated Rd. New High-Pressure Water Line (CIP 7476).

Sewer Projects
Requested appropriations for FY 2021-22 is for the South Brea Sewer Repairs (CIP 7626).

Facility Improvements
Work continues on the design or construction of several significant projects that are being carried forward from FY 2020-21.  The plans for rehabilitating the parking lots at Arovista Park (CIP 7947 & 7948) are ready to advertise for bids.  An architect is being selected to design restroom building improvements at Arovista Park (CIP 7940).

The six new projects in this category are as follows:

CIP 7955 - Replacing office furniture on the 3rd floor of Civic Center.
CIP 7970 - Replacing software program that controls HVAC at City facilities.
CIP 7971 - Adding security card access entry to City facilities.
CIP 7972 - Replacing pool plaster for the small pool at the Plunge.
CIP 7974 - Updating control equipment for freight elevator at the Civic Center.
CIP 7976 - Adding exhaust system to vent vehicle emissions from Mechanic’s Bay.

Golf Course Improvements
The replacement of the golf cart bridge over the channel adjacent to Birch Hills Golf Course has been completed.  The replacement of the bridge will allow for the renumbering of the golf holes to make play more interesting since the first three holes will no longer be of similar length.  Requested appropriations for FY 2021-22 include funding for two new projects, Slurry Seal & Stripe Parking Lot & Cart Paths at Birch Hills Golf Course (CIP 7968) and Clubhouse Doors & Concrete at Brea Creek Golf Course (CIP 7969).

Annual CIP Programs
On-going annual programs, including Slurry Seal (CIP 7312), Sidewalk Replacement (CIP 7313), Sewer Mainline Repair (CIP 7617), Miscellaneous Water System Improvements (CIP 7442), and Traffic Calming Enhancements (CIP 7219) will continue as funding allows.

In conclusion, with continued prudent fiscal management and project coordination, Brea’s Fiscal Year 2021-2022 CIP will support a variety of projects to sustain our infrastructure quality, as well as continuing the goals of enhancing the quality of life in the community, ensuring a safe environment, and promoting transportation improvements in the City.  
The fiscal impact for the FY 2021-2022 CIP Budget is $8,178,373.  Funding sources include the following: Fixed Asset Replacement Fund; Gas Tax Fund; Measure M Fund; Community Development Block Grant Fund; Urban Runoff Fund; Water Fund; Sewer Fund; Storm Drain Fund; Traffic Impact Fees Fund; Federal Grants; State Grants; County Grants; and other miscellaneous contributions.  As mentioned previously, any changes proposed by City Council at the Public Hearing will be reflected in the final adopted CIP budget.

The CIP for FY 2021-2022 reflects Council’s commitment to the goals of enhancing existing infrastructure and providing new infrastructure to provide for a safe environment and enhance the quality of life in the community.  The remaining six years of the CIP are not a commitment of actual funds, but rather a long-range planning tool for subsequent investments in the City’s infrastructure.  Staff recommends approval of the Capital Improvement Program Budget as presented.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:  Warren Coleman, Sr. Management Analyst
Concurrence: Michael Ho, P.E., Deputy Director / City Engineer
    Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director
Proposed FY21-22 CIP

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