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  Agenda Item   18.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/06/2023  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Second Reading of Ordinance No. 1238 - Zone Change No. 2022-02 (Gaslight Square Redevelopment Project)
Staff recommends that the City Council waive full reading and adopt the Ordinance No. 1238 (Attachment A), which is an Ordinance of the City of Brea approving Zone Change No. 2022-02 for the Gaslight Square Redevelopment Project, which would amend the Zoning designation of the Project Site and the entire Gaslight Square Center from C-P (PD) Commercial, Administrative and Professional Office Zone (Precise Development) to MU-III (Mixed-Use III).
The Applicant, Dwight Manley, has submitted entitlement application request for redevelopment of the Gaslight Square commercial center. The Applicant has proposed the demolition of four commercial/office buildings totaling approximately 18,873 square feet and the construction of two new commercial buildings. The proposed buildings include a 2,000 square-foot drive-through restaurant building and a 6,000 square foot commercial building (2,400 square feet for a sit-down restaurant space and 3,600 square feet of medical or retail space). The project also proposes new landscaping within the project area and would stripe new parking stalls. The project does not include specific tenants or businesses.

Approval of the following entitlements are required for the project:
  1. Environmental Impact Report (EIR): to analyze the environmental impacts resulting from construction and operation of the project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
  2. General Plan Amendment (GPA): to change the General Plan Land Use designation from Office/Financial Commercial to Mixed Use III.
  3. Zone Change (ZC): to change the zoning designation from C-P (PD) Commercial, Administrative and Professional Office (Precise Development) to MU-III (Mixed-Use III).
  4. Plan Review (PR): to allow the demolition of 18,873 square feet of commercial offices to construct two new commercial buildings totaling approximately 8,000 square feet.
  5. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): to allow a 2,000 square foot drive through restaurant use.
On May 16, 2023, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 1238 for the proposed ZC, in conjunction with adopting Resolution Nos. 2023-036 through 2023-039 certifying the EIR prepared for the Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2022060598) and approving all entitlements associated with the proposed Project. The comprehensive staff report package from the May 16, 2023 City Council meeting can be accessed from the following link: (page 113 to 2,146).
On April 11, 2023, the Planning Commission, on 4-0-1 vote (Commissioner Covey recused), approved a resolution recommending City Council certification of the EIR and approval of all associated entitlements for the proposed project.
There is no request for financial assistance or fee waivers associated with the Project.  The Applicant would be responsible to pay for all applicable permit and development impact fees associated with construction of the Project. Therefore, the Project would not have a negative impact on the City’s General Fund. 
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Joanne Hwang, AICP, City Planner
Concurrence: Jason Killebrew, Community Development Director
A - Ordinance No. 1238

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