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Finance Committee
Meeting Date: 06/13/2023  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Renewed Measure M (M2) Eligibility Submittal Package for Fiscal Year 2023-24
  1. Approve and authorize staff to submit to Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) the Measure M2 Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2023-24 through 2029-30 to comply with Measure M2 eligibility criteria; and
  2. Adopt Resolutions concerning the status and update of the Circulation Element, Mitigation Fee Program, Local Signal Synchronization Plan, and Pavement Management Plan for the Measure M (M2) Program.

To maintain eligibility for Measure M2 sales tax revenue, the City must submit annual documentation on its transportation-related programs to OCTA. Every seven years, OCTA requires an expanded submittal of the City's programs and projects affecting circulation and transportation to verify that these elements align with Measure M2 and countywide plans.

This year's submittal requires the following documentation:

  • 7-year Capital Improvement Program Budget presented in the OCTA format
  • Circulation Element / Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) Consistency*
  • Congestion Management Program
  • Eligibility Checklist
  • Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Documentation
  • Mitigation Fee Program*
  • Local Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP)*
  • Pavement Management Plan (PMP)*
  • Transit / Non-Motorized Transportation Letter 

*Requires Council Resolution

The City's Measure M2 Seven-Year CIP for Fiscal Years 2023-24 through 2029-30 is a transportation planning and fiscal forecasting document used to guide future programming for transportation capital improvement projects. The M2 Seven-Year CIP is consistent with the proposed Citywide Capital Improvement Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-25. The submittal of the M2 Seven-Year CIP does not commit the City to fund the identified improvements. However, City must include projects in the M2 Seven-Year CIP to be eligible to receive Measure M2 funding. This document is updated annually for changes based on City Council priorities. The City's Seven-Year CIP includes 84 projects with a total preliminary projected budget requirement of approximately $135 million over the seven years. The M2 CIP document emphasizes projects that improve circulation, mitigate traffic congestion, and maintain the City's investment in existing transportation infrastructure.

Annual submittal of Measure M2 eligibility documentation to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is required to receive Measure M2 sales tax revenue funds. The eligibility process this year requires the submittal of the nine items listed above, including the adoption of resolutions attesting to the consistency of the City's General Plan Circulation Element with the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH), confirming the City's existing transportation Mitigation Fee Programs, submitting to OCTA the City's approved Local Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP), and submitting to OCTA the City's approved Pavement Management Program (PMP). Approval of the recommended action will satisfy these requirements.
Fulfilling the FY 2023-24 eligibility requirements will confirm the City's ability to continue receiving M2 funds. In addition, the City's annual M2 local jurisdiction apportionment, more commonly referred to as "Fairshare," is anticipated to be approximately $1,205,906 for Fiscal Year 2023-24. This action has no negative impact on the General Fund.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:  Wade Whitman, Management Analyst
Concurrence: Michael Ho, P.E., Director of Public Works / Acting City Engineer
                       Ryan Chapman, P.E., Assistant City Engineer
Attachment 1 - Eligibility Checklist
Attachment 2 - OCTA CIP Project Listing Report
Attachment 3 - MPAH and MFP Resolution
Attachment 4 - CMP Checklist
Attachment 5 - LSSP
Attachment 6 - LSSP Resolution
Attachment 7 - MOE Certification Form
Attachment 8 - PMP
Attachment 9 - PMP Resolution

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