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Finance Committee
Meeting Date:
Bill Gallardo
Road Repair and Accountability Act - Local Streets and Roads Funding Program, Fiscal Year 2023-24 Proposed Project List
Adopt a Resolution approving projects funded by the Road Repair and Accountability Act.
On April 28, 2017, the Governor signed Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 ("RRAA"). The RRAA increased fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees to address essential road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety needs on the state highway and local road system.
In 2017, the State Controller ("Controller") began depositing this new funding into a newly created Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account ("RMRA") (Fund 221). A percentage of this new RMRA funding has been apportioned by formula to eligible cities and counties according to Streets and Highways Code ("SHC") Section 2032(h). The City of Brea has been receiving annual funding according to a prescribed formula in the approximate amount of $1,000,000 per year.
Additionally, RRAA emphasizes the importance of accountability and transparency in delivering California's transportation programs. Therefore, to be eligible for RMRA funding, the statute requires cities and counties to provide basic annual RMRA project reporting to the California Transportation Commission ("Commission") and must adopt a "Project List" by resolution and submit it to the Commission by July 1 of each year.
Therefore, for FY 2023-24, staff proposes to use RMRA funds for CIP Project 7299 – Brea Boulevard Street Improvements, CIP Project 7327 – Central Ave & State College Street Improvements, and CIP Project 7329 – Birch Street Improvements S. Associated to Valencia. CIP 7299 will include grind and overlay paving improvements and ADA ramp reconstruction along Brea Boulevard between Imperial Highway and Juniper Street. CIP 7327 will include paving upgrades and removing and reconstructing the curb, gutter, and ADA ramps on Central Avenue and State College Boulevard between the western City limits and Lambert Road. CIP 7329 consists of grind and overlay paving improvements on Birch Street, from Associated Road to Valencia Avenue. The staff has prepared a Resolution to adopt the Project List, which complies with the RRAA Guidelines.
The RRAA Guidelines require that cities/counties adopt a project list by resolution to demonstrate how they intend to use the FY 2023-24 RMRA funds and submit the resolution to the Commission by July 1, 2023. Staff has identified projects within the FY2023-24 CIP eligible for these funds, including Project 7329, Project 7327, and Project 7329. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council consider adopting a Resolution that approves the RMRA Project List for submittal to the Commission by July 1, 2023. If approved, staff will program the RMRA funds within the 2023-24 CIP for Project 7299 for $370,000 and Project 7327 for $630,000. As of July 01, 2022, the RMRA Fund balance is $1,673,618.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Wade Whitman, Management Analyst I
Concurrence: Michael Ho, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer
Ryan Chapman, P.E., Assistant City Engineer
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