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  Agenda Item   23.    
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/21/2021  
FROM: Bill Gallardo

Professional Services Agreement with Fuscoe Engineering for Evaluation of Water Harvest and Reuse Opportunities 
Approve Professional Services Agreement with Fuscoe Engineering for Evaluation of Water Harvest and Reuse Opportunities in the not-to-exceed amount of $49,500.
The goal to explore and consider reclaimed water has been one of City Council's priorities for several years. Since early 2018, City staff has explored treating/cleaning the groundwater extracted by oil operations near the Brea Sports Park and groundwater extracted by Chevron treatment wells near the Birch Hills Golf Course to irrigate the Sports Park and Birch Hills Golf Course, respectively. Results of this analysis were presented to City Council in December 2018 and March 2020. In short, staff concluded that treatment of this water source to irrigation standards was possible, but pilot testing would be needed before moving forward with seeking agreements with Thompson Oil and Chevron to utilize their groundwater. In furtherance of this goal, City Council then requested that staff also explore stormwater reuse opportunities and drilling a new well to extract the groundwater without having to rely on a third party to supply.

As a status update, Thompson Energy has gone through some changes since the recent passing of its owner, Rob Thompson. Thompson Energy has a new on-site operator working to resume oil production. Once the operation is up and running, staff will resume discussions regarding acquisition of their groundwater. Meanwhile, Chevron is working with the Regional Water Quality Control Board to get permission to permanently shut down the treatment wells since they feel the targeted reduction in nitrate contamination has been achieved. Staff is trying to get a final position from Chevron on the possible use of this water in the future, if closure is obtained from the Regional Water Board. Regarding a new well, staff consulted with an expert and found that aside from a stringent regulatory permit process, the cost of a new well is approximately $2M - $3M. With the combined cost of a new well, along with the cost of a required treatment plant of approximately $3M, it was determined that construction of a new well would not be feasible.

In terms of capture and reuse, staff obtained a proposal from Fuscoe Engineering to conduct an analysis outlining opportunities to implement a stormwater harvest and reuse system to offset potable water demands. Since the City does not currently have access to local or regional recycled water, the capture and reuse of stormwater resources would provide an important additional source of water supply and enhance stormwater quality runoff throughout the City. Per the attached proposal, the scope-of-work includes the following main items:
  • Analyze up to 5 (five) sites within the City for the feasibility assessment of the harvest and reuse best management practice (BMP) opportunities. This effort will include assessing the feasibility of constructing harvest and reuse BMPs within these sites, as well as diverting upstream stormwater flows to the sites for optimal reuse. Potential harvest and reuse site locations already discussed with the City staff include Country Hills Park, Birch Hills Golf Course, and Olinda Ranch Neighborhood Park, for example.
  • Create private development of on-site harvest and reuse incentives. This may include identifying candidate projects where harvest and reuse BMPs are most feasible and practical such as reuse of grey water or stormwater to irrigate the development's landscaping.

The cost to complete these tasks is a not-to-exceed amount of $49,500.

With longer drought periods and heavier rainfall events becoming more common, urban stormwater capture represents a significant opportunity to enhance community resiliency to climate change. Effective urban stormwater capture provides an opportunity for addressing stormwater quality impairments while also improving water supply reliability. Not only would the capture and reuse projects show the community that Brea explores sustainability initiatives, it would encourage the private sector to adopt sustainability initiatives as well.

To encourage stormwater capture and reuse projects, the State of California has created several funding opportunities to incentivize these types of projects. In addition to the state, there are a variety of local and Federal grant opportunities to offset costs of the projects. 
The Finance Committee reviewed staff's recommendation at their September 14, 2021 meeting and recommended for City Council approval.  
Sufficient funds for the harvest and reuse opportunities proposal are available in the Urban
Runoff Fund 410 account. Appropriations for this contract will be included in the next round
of quarterly budget adjustments. There is no impact to the General Fund.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by:   Brian M. Ingallinera, Environmental Services Coordinator
Concurrence:  Rudy Correa, Water Distribution Superintendent
                        Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director
Professional Services Agreement

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