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Agenda Item
City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Bill Gallardo
Dispatch Services – La Habra Police Department
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Brea and the City of La Habra to assist with dispatch services and training of La Habra Police Dispatchers.
The La Habra Police Department (LHPD) has formally requested the assistance of the Brea Police Department (BPD) in their Dispatch Center. LHPD is currently in the midst of a staffing crisis and desperately needs assistance. The current staffing levels at La Habra have made it difficult, at best, to provide 24-hour-a-day / 7-day-a-week coverage within their Center.
LHPD’s request is two-fold. First, LHPD has asked that Brea Police Dispatchers be authorized to work overtime, voluntarily, in LHPD’s Dispatch Center. The services provided to La Habra would include a variety of Dispatch-related tasks including, but not limited to, receiving and dispatching routine and emergency calls and performance of other Dispatch associated services as requested by the La Habra Chief of Police or their designee. Second, LHPD has requested Brea PD’s assistance in training new LHPD Dispatchers in the Dispatch Center until such a time when LHPD has sufficient staffing to train their Dispatchers.
It is important to note that Brea’s Dispatching needs will remain the priority. Any assistance given to La Habra will occur only after Brea’s staffing needs have been met. Any overtime shift worked at LHPD’s Dispatch center by a BPD Dispatcher shall be completely voluntary, and no BPD Dispatcher shall be ordered to work a LHPD Dispatch shift.
This agreement will be valid effective September 20, 2023, and end on December 31, 2023. Should the LHPD request an extension, all such requests shall be brought back to the City Council for consideration.
Since June 2023, Chief Hawley has met and conferred with the Brea Police Association (B.P.A.) on four separate occasions on this matter. As a result of those meetings, the Police Association has drafted the attached side letter, agreed upon by both B.P.A. and the Brea Police Department and signed by the City Manager. This agreement will not become effective until approved by the City Council and executed by the City Manager.
This item was reviewed by the Finance Committee on September 12, 2023.
There is no fiscal impact on the City of Brea. The City of Brea shall invoice the City of La Habra for any shifts worked, and the City of La Habra has agreed to reimburse the City of Brea at the current rate for shifts worked.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Phil Rodriguez, Police Captain
Concurrence: Adam Hawley, Police Chief
Letter of Agreement
Memorandum of Understanding
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