Easement Agreement with Southern California Edison for Installation and Maintenance of Equipment for Electric Charging Stations at Parking Structure No.2
Approve Easement Agreement with SCE for installation of Tesla charging stations.
On October 06, 2020, City Council approved an agreement with Tesla to install 24 Level II wall chargers (universal chargers) that could be used by any electric vehicle and 24 superchargers that are to be used by Tesla vehicles only. The proposed chargers are to be located in Parking Structure No. 2 located at 175 S. Madrona Avenue.
As a final step before construction, Southern California Edison (SCE) needs an easement agreement from the City of Brea. The easement agreement is the legal document granting permission to SCE to install their infrastructure in order to provide power for this project and have access to the area in order to operate and maintain the equipment. The “Grant of Easement” is attached along with the “MAP” that shows the preliminary design documents that were utilized by SCE to create the easement. The City Attorney has reviewed easement agreement and approves as to form.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this action.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Brian M. Ingallinera, Environmental Services Coordinator
Concurrence: Rudy Correa, Water Distribution Superintendent
Tony Olmos, P.E., Public Works Director