That the Parks, Recreation and Human Services Commission direct staff to prepare a final Annual Goals Matrix for approval.
At the September 28, 2022, Commission meeting, staff provided Commissioners with the following guiding documents:
Parks, Recreation and Human Services Commission Goal Setting Executive Summary from October 27, 2021
Brea Parks, Recreation and Human Services Facility and Program Needs Assessment
Facilities Condition Report - EMG's 10-year list
West Side Parks Scoping List
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Upcoming Parks and Facilities project for Fiscal Years 2022/23 through 2028/29
Following discussion at that meeting, and based on input received from Commissioners, staff has prepared an Annual Goals Matrix where program and facility goals can be tracked in a single document. With information currently available, staff projected the anticipated completion year for each entry.
Staff will lead a presentation on the matrix and facilitate a dicussion with the goal of bringing a final version to approve before the end of 2022.
Chris Emeterio, Assistant City Manager
Prepared by: Jenn Colacion, Senior Management Analyst
Concurrence: Sean L. Matlock, Deputy Director and Carrie Hernandez, Community Services Manager
2023 Annual Goals Matrix
2021/22 Parks, Recreation and Human Services Accomplishments