Approve renaming of the Brea War Memorial to the Brea Veterans Memorial.
Adopt Resolution No. 2023-015 authorizing the name change.
In 2006, the Brea City Council established their interest in creating a war memorial in Brea in order to honor Brea's Veterans. They called on the Art in Public Places Advisory Committee to offer their expertise on potential locations for the memorial, and later the City Council established an advisory committee which became known as the War Memorial Advisory Committee (W-MAC). The creation of this committee involved extensive community outreach from local veterans to better inform staff on what the purpose of the memorial should be. It was the W-MAC's role to make recommendations to City Council on honoree criteria, request a formal Call for Artist and review and recommend the memorial's artist.
The original purpose of the memorial which has been maintained since its creation was to: 1) Honor those Breans who have sacrificed their lives for Freedom (via the Wall of Remembrance); and 2) Generally recognize all veterans and all branches of the United States Military (via the Walk of Honor paver program). The dedication of the Brea War Memorial took place on Veterans Day 2012, serving as the host site for the City's annual Veterans Day Ceremony each year since.
The City Council now has an interest to change the name of the site to the Brea Veterans Memorial as way to shift the focus of the memorial more clearly to Brea's Veterans. As part of staff's due diligence, original members of the W-MAC were contacted about their thoughts on the name change and offered their unanimous support for the change. Additionally, staff reached out to memorial artist, Susan Narduli, regarding the name change who was in support of whatever the community's preference is.
At their March 7, 2023, Study Session the City Council received an update on the W-MAC's support and staff's recommendation and directed staff to bring a Resolution formalizing the name change to this evening's meeting.
Original members, or their descendants, of the War Memorial Advisory Committee (W-MAC) all expressed their individual support for the name change.
No General Fund impact.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Carrie Hernandez, Deputy Director of Community Services
Concurrence: Chris Emeterio, Assistant City Manager