Second Reading of Ordinance Nos. 1236 and 1237 - Development Agreement No. 2020-01 and Zone Change No. 2020-01 (Brea Mall Mixed Use Project)
Staff recommends that the City Council waive full reading and adopt the following ordinances:
Ordinance No. 1236 (Attachment A): An Ordinance of the City of Brea approving Development Agreement No. 2020-01 by and between the City of Brea and Simon Property Group regarding the Brea Mall Mixed-Use Project; and
Ordinance No. 1237 (Attachment B): An Ordinance of the City of Brea approving Zone Change No. 2020-01 for the Brea Mall Mixed Use Project, which would amend the Zoning designation of the Project Site and the entire Brea Mall property from Major Shopping Center (C-C) with a Precise Development (P-D) overlay to Mixed-Use I (MU-I).
The Applicant, Simon Property Group, represented by Jocelyn Gubler, requests approval of the Brea Mall Mixed-Use Project (“Project”). The proposed Project would allow redevelopment of a 15.5-acre portion of land within the southwest portion 74-acre Brea Mall site by demolishing the now-closed 161,990 square-foot Sears Department Store building and 7.5-acre surface parking lot. The Brea Mall Mixed-Use development proposes construction of the following:
Retail and restaurant buildings totaling approximately 119,415 square feet.
A five story, 297,069 square-foot multi-family residential building including a maximum of 380 apartments above a three-level parking structure with 983 parking stalls that would be shared by residents and commercial businesses.
A surface parking area with 55 spaces located immediately adjacent to the proposed retail buildings.
Two-story, approximately 90,000 square foot resort-type fitness center.
Two outdoor gathering spaces including a 21,780 square foot “central green” area and a 13,068 square foot plaza space.
The proposed project would result in a net increase of 47,425 square feet. At buildout of the proposed project, the Brea Mall would have a total of 1,338,858 square feet of commercial square footage.
Approval of the following entitlements are required for the project:
Environmental Impact Report (EIR): to analyze the environmental impacts resulting from construction and operation of the project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
General Plan Amendment (GPA): to change the General Plan Land Use designation from Regional Commercial to Mixed Use I.
Zone Change (ZC): to change the zoning designation from Major Shopping Center (C-C) with a Precise Development (P-D) overlay to Mixed-Use I (MU-I).
Development Agreement (DA): for a contract between the Applicant and the City, defining the terms of development proposed by vesting the City’s approval while specifying public benefits and improvements.
Precise Development Plan (PD): to demolish the former Sears department store building, auto center, and adjacent surface parking lot and a new mixed-use development.
Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) or other Approval: to adjust lot lines within the Project Site to accommodate the project.
Conditional Use Permits (CUPs): to allow A shared parking plan for the proposed project; On-site alcohol consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits within dining establishments; A resort-type fitness center; and Establish a new comprehensive sign program for the proposed project.
On May 2, 2023, the City Council introduced Ordinance Nos. 1236 and 1237 for the proposed DA and ZC, in conjunction with adopting Resolution Nos. 2023-024 through 2023-028 certifying the EIR prepared for the Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2019080299) and approving all entitlements associated with the proposed Project. The comprehensive staff report package from the May 2, 2023 City Council meeting can be accessed from the following link:
On December 13, 2022, the Planning Commission, on 5-0 vote, approved a resolution recommending City Council certification of the EIR and approval of all associated entitlements for the proposed project.
There is no request for financial assistance or fee waivers associated with the Project. The Applicant would be responsible to pay for all applicable permit and development impact fees associated with construction of the Project. Therefore, the Project would not have a negative impact on the City’s General Fund.
William Gallardo, City Manager
Prepared by: Joanne Hwang, AICP, City Planner
Concurrence: Jason Killebrew, Community Development Director