City Council, Successor Agency to the
Brea Redevelopment Agency, Brea Public
Financing Authority, Brea Community
Benefit Financing Authority Agenda
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
5:30 p.m. - Closed Session
6:00 p.m. - Study Session
7:00 p.m. - General Session

Marty Simonoff, Mayor      Christine Marick, Mayor Pro Tem
Cecilia Hupp, Council Member Blair Stewart, Council Member Steven Vargas, Council Member

This agenda contains a brief general description of each item Council will consider. The City Clerk has on file copies of written documentation relating to each item of business on this Agenda available for public inspection. Contact the City Clerk’s Office at (714) 990-7756 or view the Agenda and related materials on the City’s website at Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office at 1 Civic Center Circle, Brea, CA during normal business hours. Such documents may also be available on the City’s website subject to staff’s ability to post documents before the meeting.

Procedures for Addressing the Council
The Council encourages interested people to address this legislative body by making a brief presentation on a public hearing item when the Mayor calls the item or address other items under Matters from the Audience. State Law prohibits the City Council from responding to or acting upon matters not listed on this agenda.

The Council encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons the opportunity to speak, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. Council rules prohibit clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. Please silence all cell phones and other electronic equipment while the Council is in session. Thank you.

Written comments may be submitted in advance of the meeting by emailing Written comments received by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be provided to the Council, will be made available to the public at the meeting, and will be included in the official record of the meeting.

Special Accommodations
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (714) 990-7757. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable City staff to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. (28 CFR ADA Title II)

Important Notice
The City of Brea shows both live broadcasts and replays of City Council Meetings on Brea Cable Channel 3 and over the Internet at Your attendance at this public meeting may result in the recording and broadcast of your image and/or voice as previously described.

5:30 p.m. - Executive Conference Room
Level Three

1. Public Comment
Closed Session may convene to consider matters of purchase / sale of real property (G. C. §54956.8), pending litigation [G.C.§54956.9(d)(1)], potential litigation [G.C. §54956.9(d)(2)(3) or (4)], liability claims (G. C. §54961) or personnel items (G.C.§54957.6). Records not available for public inspection.
2. Conference with City's Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 Regarding the Brea Management Association (BMA), Brea City Employees' Association (BCEA), and Administrative, Professional Employees' Association (APEA) and Executive Managers - Bill Gallardo, Negotiator and Laura Kalty and Oliver Yee LCW Attorneys.
3. Conference with Legal Counsel Pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) – Robb Block v. City of Brea, WCAB ADJ15190616 - Compromise and Release (C&R)
6:00 p.m. - Executive Conference Room
Level Three

4. Public Comment
5. Clarify Regular Meeting Topics
6. Mayor Appointments - Second Alternate to the Finance Committee 
7.   FY 2023-25 Budget Workshop:  Preview of Operating and Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program Budgets - Review and approve the proposed recommended decision packages for inclusion within the FY 2023-25 Operating Budget scheduled for public hearing adoption on June 20, 2023; Appropriate General Fund Excess Reserves to close the General Fund budget gap for FY 2024-25 as presented in the FY 2023-25 Operating Budget Workbook; and Review and receive presentation for the City's Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program Budget scheduled for public hearing adoption on June 20, 2023
8. Council Member Report/Requests
7:00 p.m. - Council Chamber
Plaza Level

9. Pledge of Allegiance: Boy Scout Troop 707
10. Invocation: Pastor Eddy Vera, Friends Community Church
11. Presentation: Mayor's Youth Awards
12. Report - Prior Study Session
13. Community Announcements
14. Matters from the Audience
15. Response to Public Inquiries - Mayor / City Manager
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM - This agenda category is for City Council consideration of a wide variety of topics related to the City's operations. Public comments regarding items in this section should be presented during "Matters from the Audience."
16.   Brea City Code Amendment to update park, trail, and recreational facility regulations - Introduce by title only and waive further reading of Ordinance No. 1240, An Ordinance of the Brea City Council amending the Brea City Code to update park, trail, and recreational facility regulations and approving a CEQA exemption determination. 
CONSENT CALENDAR - The City Council/Successor Agency approves all Consent Calendar matters with one motion unless Council/Agency or Staff requests further discussion of a particular item. Items of concern regarding Consent Calendar matters should be presented during “Matters from the Audience."

17.   May 16, 2023, City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Approved.
18.   Second Reading of Ordinance No. 1238 - Zone Change No. 2022-02 (Gaslight Square Redevelopment Project) - Staff recommends that the City Council waive full reading and adopt the Ordinance No. 1238, which is an Ordinance of the City of Brea approving Zone Change No. 2022-02 for the Gaslight Square Redevelopment Project, which would amend the Zoning designation of the Project Site and the entire Gaslight Square Center from C-P (PD) Commercial, Administrative and Professional Office Zone (Precise Development) to MU-III (Mixed-Use III).
19.   Use of Treasury Bills as Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Alternative for Short-term Investments - Approve the use of Treasury Bills as a LAIF alternative for short-term investments.
20.   Outgoing Payment Log and May 12, 19 & 26, 2023 City Disbursement Registers - Receive and file.
21. City Manager
22. City Attorney
23. Council Requests