1. |
Matters from the Audience |
2. |
August 9, 2022 Finance Committee Regular Meeting Minutes - Approve. |
Attachments |
Draft Minutes 08-09-2022 |
3. |
Approve Purchase of Utility Poles for Safety Netting at Brea Creek Golf Course, CIP 7978 - Approve purchase of nine utility poles from Stella Jones in the amount of $40,901.73. |
Attachments |
Stella Jones Quote |
Bell Lumber Quote |
Walters Quote |
4. |
Appropriate Funds and Award Contract for Janitorial Services at City Park Restrooms - Appropriate $107,700 to amend the City’s General Fund (110) Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 for Janitorial Services at park restrooms; Award Contract to K-Pro Stone Care in the amount of $148,500 for Janitorial Services at City park restrooms and as-needed trash removal; and
Authorize the City Manager to approve Agreement and future extensions |
Attachments |
Agreement for Park Restroom Janitorial |
Approved Insurance |
Proposal |
Fee Schedule |
Janitorial RFP |
5. |
Award the Berry Street Sidewalk Project, CIP Project No. 7324 - Approve the Plans and Specifications; Receive bids; Award Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Towo Enterprise, Inc. in the amount of $370,846.25; and Authorize the City Engineer to issue Change Orders up to a "not-to-exceed" amount of 15% of the Contract Price. |
Attachments |
Exhibit A - Location Map - Phase 1 Boundary |
Exhibit B - Bid Documents |
Exhibit C - Towo Enterprise, Inc. Bid Proposal |
6. |
Award the Country Hills Subdivision Pavement and Water Improvements, Phase 2, CIP Project No. 7322 - Approve the Plans and Specifications; Receive bids; Award Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Gentry Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $2,125,523.60; and Authorize the City Engineer to issue Change Orders up to a "not to exceed" amount of 10% of the Contract Price. |
Attachments |
Attachment A - Location Map |
Attachment B - Bid Documents |
Attachment C - Bid Proposal |
7. |
Consideration of Parking Agreement at 220 S. Orange Avenue with Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD) - Staff recommends that the Finance Committee recommend the City Council take the following actions: Provide direction on the terms and conditions for the proposed parking agreement between the City of Brea and the Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD) located at 220 S. Orange Avenue. Authorize the Community Development Director, or his designee, to execute, administer, and take the necessary actions to implement an agreement with BOUSD for the use of the parking lot located at 220 S. Orange Avenue. |
Attachments |
Exhibit - Map of Parking Lot |
8. |
Amendment No. 2 with PeopleSpace for Civic & Cultural Center 3rd Floor Redesign and Furniture Purchase - Approve Amendment No. 2 with PeopleSpace in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000 - 265,000 (estimate) resulting in a total contract not-to-exceed $754,000 - 769,000 (estimate); and Authorize Public Works Director to approve change orders up to 5% of the not-to-exceed amount; and Appropriate up to $15,000 from the Fixed Asset Replacement Fund (182) to the Capital Improvement Program CIP Budget to complete the project. |
Attachments |
Amendment No. 2 - Draft |
Amendment No. 1 |
Original Professional Services Agreement |
9. |
Approve an Extension to the Professional Services Agreement for Investment Advisory Services with Chandler Asset Management - City staff recommends the Finance Committee to approve an extension with Chandler Asset Management to perform investment advisory services through December 31, 2023. In addition, authorize the City Manager to execute the contract amendment. |
Attachments |
Agreement with Chandler Asset Management - Investment Advisory Services |
Amendment No. 1 - Investment Advisory Services |
10. |
Schedule Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 |